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We have a Working Script and have begun Rehearsal!

She's a mother, a daughter, a sister a friend,
She's not your Own!

Rose’s Spoken Word

Maybe if I just do as I was told, when I’m told, how I’m told;
Cook, clean- I do all those things but maybe not good enough
Otherwise I won’t be pacing to and fro,
Biting nails, double checking everything before he comes home.
--He’s HERE!
And by just the turn of the key
I knew tonight wasn’t a love making night
He was Angry,
Before I could say hello, 
Greet him with a smile,
 He flung the door shut and with the blink of an eye, 
His has were wrapped around my neck
Screaming--- I don’t know what he’s saying
But the daggers that shoot out of his mouth,
Stab my soul
It’s the emotional pain that hurts more
So, with every whack of a spoon,
And smash her face
All I think of is how can I be his everything—
His inner peace!

After only SEVEN days of work, we have a working script that we were so happy to read out loud  today. We were more excited to begin staging. By the end of rehearsal the first scene was blocked and the actors were memorized for that scene! These students bring so much to the table and are so open to trying new things that I can't help but love them. They are the reason why I love to teach through the arts. I am overwhelmed by the amount of talent and joy they bring to my heart!!

 I am Strong, I am Bold, I am B rave, I am someone who will triumph over all situations. No more victimization, I stand firm against all forms of violence and abuse. I am my brother and sister’s keeper. 
What is your story?

Anfernee's Spoken Word

Sometimes I wonder why it’s me
He who has to go through this mental instability
I cry myself to sleep, knowing that my father
left me in this crap.
Why on Earth I became part of this trap.
My mom doesn’t like me
She thinks I’m a nobody
My mom despises me, all because I’m not bright as Gail.
My mommy tries to run me down
I can’t take anymore. I going and never to return.
Maybe I should find a gun, pull the trigger.
Oh lord! Help your son to make a decision.
Should I stay, or should I go.
I’ve never hurt like this before.


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