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A taste of paradise! yummy...

Leaving St. George's

It was a day filled with abundant beauty, family, friends and great laughter. We stopped for a while to get snacks, gas and pick up Todd, but couldn't help but check out the stunning beauty of the Port Louis Marina on the Kirani James Boulevard. Taking the time to experience Pure Grenada was very fulfilling.

Our first official stop was the Annandale Waterfall, where we met up with some friend who initially wanted to enjoy a sunny day at the beach but were convinced otherwise at the thought of the seeing the lake and other scenic parts of the island..

We often forget that we live in Paradise. On a half day trip to parts of the island on Sunday my brother captured this picturesque scene of the Grand Etang Lake. Nestled in the rain forest, Grand Etang Lake is a crater lake that has been described as the heart of the National Park. Embedded in an extinct volcano, Grand Etang is the perfect spot for picnics, hiking, having a banana with the friendly Mona monkeys and crashing a lime and sharing Oil Down with complete strangers. The Chef said, "We have enuff for Everybody"! And so, with our bellies full and continued on the tour all the way up to Sauteurs.

Our final stop for the day we learnt a little history at Leapers Hill, Sauteurs, St. Patrick.
In 1651, the Caribs realized that they had made an error in judgement by allowing the French to settle on the island. They came up with a plan to kill them out, but were out numbered. The French then decided  that they would for them to leave with their superior weapons. the surviving Caribs decided that they were better off jumping off a precipice in the north of the island and so, when they made the leap it was named by the French "Le Morne de Sauteurs " of Leapers Hill.


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